Twickenham Park 1730 – 1809
Peter Tilleman’s ‘A view from Richmond Hill’ (dated 1730).
The Mansion is shown behind Cambridge House which is facing the Thames.
Twickenham Park Maps
The maps below show the changes during the 18th and 19th centuries at Twickenham Park.
This map by Rocque dates from 1741

Courtesy of Richmond local studies Library
The 1741 map (left) shows the complete estate at that time.
The red circle shows the position of the mainhouse which had been demolished by the date of the right hand map.
The map below dates from 1786 and was surveyed and drawn by C.J. Sauthier being part of a map of the Manor of Isleworth

Below we have enlarged the area around the original Mansion which we have coloured Orange.
The Red line marks the boundary between Isleworth and Twickenham which ran through the middle of the mansion.

The newspaper cutting below mentions a local custom concerning the Mansion at that time.

The 1803 newspaper article below details the previous owner, Lord Frederick Cavedish who died that year. Note the letter S was often written as an F at this time.

Illustrations of Twickenham Park House
Below are 2 engraved views which show the house at the end of the 18th century. On the left the house is depicted in Spyres ‘a View of the Seat of Lord Frederick Cavendish in Twickenham Park, dating from1784.The right hand image shows the 1795 version which was engraved and published by William Angus.We think the variations between the two buildings are due to the engraver using artistic licence.

Purchase of Twickenham Park by Francis Gosling
Following the death of Lord Cavendish the estate passed to Sir William Adby who divided the estate into lots for auction. The Twickenham Park Estate was within two boroughs, the upper part being within Isleworth parish and the lower part being within Twickenham.
The Mansion was built exactly on the border between the two parishes. The southern section including the mansion was purchased by Francis Gosling esq of St Margarets. The 1803 Land Tax Register below shows him as occupier.

1805 auction of Twickenham Park House
The newspaper extract below shows an advertisement for the auction of the mansion in July 1805. It would appear Gosling was not successfull in selling the property as he resorted to pulling down the house by 1809.

The 1809 Land Tax return below shows Francis Gosling occupying just land having pulled down Twickenham Park House.
Gosling was to sell the land surrounding the old house by 1818, and it was purchased by the Todd family
who were to build the next and last mansion on this site.