There is virtually no recorded information on this lesser known architect.
The following details have been researched from surviving church Baptism Marriage and Burial records for the Lloyd family together with newspaper advertisements of the time.
Leonard Wild Lloyd was a minor London architect, his works being largely now forgotten.
He was instrumental in the early developement of Twickenham Park and the surrounding area.

1801 Birth Leonard Wild Lloyd

This story begins with the birth of Leonard Wild Lloyd to parents William and Elizabeth Lloyd in 1801 in London.

The only written account of his life that we have found is in H. M. Colvin’s Biographical Dictionary of English Architects published 1951.

H. M. Colvin’s work was updated to include details that L W Lloyd exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1821 to 1830, at the Norwich Society of Artists in 1823 and at the Society of British Artists in 1825.

One of Lloyds first projects was architect for the Female Orphan Asylum in Westminster Bridge Road Lambeth,opposite what is now Lambeth North Underground Station . The Asylum moved to Kent in the 1860’s and the property in Westminster Bridge Road was demolished.

Another early work was the Masonic Hall in Petersfield Hampshire which is shown below.

1827 L W Lloyd Twickenham Park

L W Lloyd was commissioned by Joseph Todd to redevelope his estate at Twickenham Middlesex. Lloyd appears to have designed both the new Mansion and a number of new villas in the area, including modifications to nearby Sandycombe Lodge.

Ailsa Park Villa
Twickenham Park Mansion
Villas in Park Road (click image for larger picture)

1829 Marriage Leonard Wild Lloyd

Lloyd married Sarah Sophia Seabrook in 1829. She was the daughter of Isaac Thomas Seabrook builder and architect.

L W Lloyd is first recorded at 6 Staples Inn Holborn in 1824. By 1827 he had moved his office to 1 Upper Stamford Street Blackfriars. Following his marriage his address changes to 13 Regent Square, off Judd Street pictured below.

13 Regent Square off Grays Inn Road London

1830 baptism Leonard Augustus Lloyd

The Lloyd’s first child Leonard Augustus Lloyd was born 3rd July 1830.

April 17th 1832 was a busy day as L W Lloyd placed seven separate adverts (edited together below).

1832 Baptism Ernest Hynum Lloyd

Lloyd’s second child Ernest Hynum was born 29 October 1831 and baptised 26th February 1832.

The advert above placed by Lloyd for premises at 58 Lincoln’s Inn Fields eventually became L W Lloyd’s own office.

1833 Baptism Albert Adamson Lloyd

The Lloyd’s next child was Albert Adamson Lloyd born 22nd June 1833. He was named after his mother Sarah’s sister Mary Elizabeth Seabrook who had Married James Adamson in 1825.

1835 Baptism Mary Lloyd

The Lloyd’s next child a daughter was named Mary Lloyd was born 20th August 1835.

Developements at Twickenham Park

During this time LW Lloyd worked on a number of projects around Twickenham Park which included initially three villas in Park Road followed by a further two, and six properties in the adjacent Richmond Road.

Caen Lodge later named Willoughby House
Ryde Lodge later named Ryde House
Bute Lodge Park Road

1838 projects in Richmond Surrey

Lloyd designed The Royal Hotel on the banks of the Thames together with Royal Terrace Richmond a parade of ten shops at the junction of Hill and Bridge streets. (pictured below).

1838 Baptism Helen Lloyd

The Lloyd’s last child named Helen Lloyd was born 19th May 1838 in Twickenham. she was baptised in November 1838 at St Mary Newington when the family had moved to 14 South Place Kennington Common.