1862 – 1888 William Budd
Twickenham Park
Henry Budd’s son William was probably the most important influence on the developement of Twickenham Park after his father’s death.
William Budd married Sarah Susannah Marshall in January 1838 in Bloomsbury, London. She was the widow of Thomas Marshall a captain in the British Army in the East Indies. Following his death she returned to England. The story of her first marriage can be found on the above link.

Images courtesy of Charles Tracy
Images courtesy of Charles Tracy.
1839 Birth daughter Charlotte Budd
William and Sarah Budd’s first child was a daughter named Charlotte who was born in Hammersmith West London.

1841 census William Budd family
The 1841 census below shows the Budd’s living at Alpha Cottage New Road (later named Goldhawk Road).

1843 Birth son William Budd
William and Sarah’s next child, a son named William was born in 1843. The family had by now moved to a house named St Ronan’s in Winkfield Berkshire. Their son William died in childhood.

1846 Birth daughter Emmeline Budd Budd
William and Sarah’s next child named Emmeline Budd Budd was born 26th August 1846 at St Ronan’s Winkfield as shown in the newspaper Birth announcements below.

1850 Birth daughter Phebe Budd Budd
William and Sarah’s next child Phebe Budd Budd was born 27th April 1850 at Fir Grove Sunninghill Berkshire. The house was later renamed Sandy Ride but was demolished late 20th century.
We believe William Budd at this time was having a new house bult for him just north of St Ronan’s in Winkfield, so they may have lived at Fir Grove for a short period.

1850 Budd family move to Lambrook Winkfield Row

William Budd’s new family home was named Lambrook. It is pictured above present day.

The 1874 map above shows the location of both St Ronan’s and Lambrook.
1851 Budd family Lambrook Winkfield

William Budd and family are listed on the 1851 census above. William and Sarah are shown with their two daughters Emmeline and Phebe. Their two older children were at boarding school, Charlotte at Warfield and William at Winkfield.

1855 Marriage Edward Budd

William Budd’s brother Edward married Elizabeth Melish 6th January 1855 at St Mary’s Winkfield.
1861 Budd family at Lambrook
The 1861 census below shows William Budd now living at Lambrook, Winkfield. He is now 50, and his wife Sarah 48. Their only child living with them is their daughter Charlotte now aged 22. Emmeline and Phebe were both at Vanbrugh Castle, a private school in Greenwich.

1862 Death Henry Budd

William Budd’s father Henry died 10th January 1862 and his estate was split between his sons William and Edward. In William’s case this resulted in him moving back to the family home at Twickeham Park. He retained ownership of Lambrook which became a private school.
1860’s William Budd family
Twickenham Park
William Budd once resident back at the Mansion Twickenham Park devised a plan to divide up most of the pasture land for developement for housing. This was to result in the layout of roads as existing today.
This will be further detailed in the near future.

1871 Budd family in Brighton
William Budd is shown on the 1871 cesus below in Brighton. This was one of the properties he inherited from his father. 76a Marine Parade was also named Victoria Mansion. The census shows William aged 59, his wife Sarah age 58, and their children Charlotte 32, Emmeline 24, and Phebe 20. Also listed is Myra A S Parkinson, who we believe was a lifelong friend of Sarah’s from her days in the East Indies.

1874 Robbery at Twickenham Park

The above newspaper report details a robbery at William Budd’s mansion. An example of a surviving piece of his silverware is shown below with his unique WB initial and griffin motif.

1874 Marriage of daughter Charlotte Budd

William Budd’s daughter Charlotte married Widower John Alexander Dalzell 12th November 1874. He had previously married Margaret Anderson in 1864 but she died by 1870. Their only child Florence Margaret Dalzell was born in Waterford Ireland in 1866.
William Budd is shown in 1874 as still being registered to vote in Winkfield. This is because he still owns Lambrook which is leased to Robert John Burnside, who was headmaster at the school which now occupied the mansion.

1880 Death Emmeline Budd Budd

William Budd’s daughter Emmeline died 16th February 1880 at Twickenham Park.
1881 Budd family Twickenham Park

The 1881 census shows the Budd’s resident at the Mansion Twickenham Park. William is now 69, his wife Sarah 68, and Phebe 30. Also Shown are the servants who lived on the premises. The two visitors shown, Marion and May Baker are to appear later in the story.
1888 Death William Budd

William Budd died aged 77 at Twickenham Park 30th November 1888.

1890 Death Phebe Budd Budd

Phebe Budd Budd died aged 39 18th April 1890. The death certificate below shows her mother Sarah Susannah Budd was present when Phebe died at the old Mansion.

1891 census Sarah Susannah Budd

The 1891 census shows William Budd’s widow Sarah living with her only surviving child, her daughter Charlotte.
Charlotte aged 52 and her husband John Alexander Dalzell were were living in Monteagle House Riverdale Road Twickenham Park which is shown below.

1898 Death Sarah Susannah Budd

Sarah Susannah Budd remained living at Monteagle House until she died in February 1898. Her daughter Charlotte died in 1902 aged 62, and her husband John Alexander Dalzell died aged 75 in 1904. They are all buried in a family grave at Twickenham Cemetery.

1902 Death Charlotte Dalzell
William Budd’s only surviving daughter Charlotte remained living at Monteagle House until her death in April 1902.
Charlotte’s step Daughter Florence Margaret Dalzell also died in 1902. When her father married Charlotte Budd in 1874 she was 8 years old. The 1881 census shows her aged 15 listed as a boarder at Vanbrugh CastleLadies College Greenwich which was the private school that both Emmeline and her sister Phebe Budd attended. Florence Dalzell lived at the time of her death at Monteagle House, although she had been living for some time with her cousin Anna Eliza Dalzell in Windsor.

Charlotte Dalzell’s husband died aged 75 at Monteagle House in 1904.